Look! Its fire!
The Olympic Torch arrived in Britain last night amid some bullshit pomp and ceremony (and some fat guy called Boris) and this morning looking at the news headlines, one would think we had never seen fire before in our lives. "Ooh! The Olympic Torch is to travel around the British Isles!" "Cor blimey! What a beautiful flame!" Well smack my ass with granny's slippers and call me Veronica, I couldn't give a damn! I hope it f**king rains the entire route. And I make no apologies for hoping for the worst, the Ranter has always believed this London Olympic thing to be an utter con, especially after spending so much when we are supposed to be in times of austerity. Are we sure?? It doesn't bloody look like it from my spot at the bar.
Does anyone care about the London Olympics? (Apart from politicians, athletes and the games sponsors that is). I personally don't know of anyone who gives a dodgy pint about it, especially in Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Most only think of it as a waste of time and money, and purely a London thing. To put it bluntly, the average pub drinkers have more important things on their minds like rising unemployment, cuts to local services and whether they will be able to afford to feed the children and keep a roof over their families heads. Those things kinda put this Olympic con into perspective dontcha think? Cheers!