We're all going down, all going down to the dole house!
Okay government, the Ranter, due to a lull in boozing, has been thinking and thinks he has come up with an idea to help y'all. I went a bit Texan there!
Cap benefits at a maximum of 40 hours at whatever the national minimum wage is. It will then never be worth more to be out of work.
Force people to make changes to their life. As for the people who sit at home and do nothing STOP their benefits and leave them to it. Some people actually feel like dole money is their god given right and its not! One woman moaned when asked to go to the job center that she had better things to be doing!?? She smoked weed and hadn't worked in 8 years. STOP HER BENEFITS AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO ACTS LIKE THAT!
And here's more news. Clegg has U turned like his pal Dai and is now backing plans for a welfare freeze. Good. Why should people who dont work get a wage rise whilst people who have chosen to work not get a rise?? You want money, get out and earn it, dont expect the taxpayers/government to fund your filthy little habits.
And lets have no more shouts of "SCRAPS FROM THE RICH MAN'S TABLE!"
Oh puleeeze! We no longer live in the dark ages and benefit scrounges are getting more than scraps. Max benefits should be capped at around 50% of average wage. Then stand back and watch them rush back to work. Taxpayers should not have to fund lifestyle choices of idleness. GENUINE cases of NEED are one thing but funding that allows widescreen TVs, flats for single teenage mums and all the other non vitals for the idle should be removed instantly.
You hear of bone idle plebs owning LCD tvs and computers. Those are luxuries in anyones eyes and proof they get far too much in Welfare. £25 a week is more than enough. Its NOT siding with the wealthy, its siding with the workers.
Vote Ranter! I am your friend. I will pledge to execute the murderers, starve the scroungers, kick out the terrorists and reward the workers and drinkers!