So Gideon Osborne has vowed to help people "work hard and get on" on this Budget day?
Hmmm...let us look at this Governments record shall we? NURSE! A LARGE ONE IF YOU'D BE SO KIND, IMA GONNA NEED IT!
In Blighty we have more poor people than ever before, and those who are lucky enough to find themselves working, their rights are almost non existant. Disabled folks (and not lead swingers, the GENUINE disabled) are forced to go back to what few jobs are left, owing to this foul and unfair French company ATOS (who probably cost taxpayers a fortune through courts in upheld appeals.) Highstreet stores, pubs etc closing like the Billy~O. Thousands of people in utter despair with higher utility bills, fuel, food prices, higher VAT. A struggling NHS. Food banks popping up everywhere. Heaven's to Johnnie Walker, even illegal immigrants are seemingly eager to get off this island because they are better off in third world countries!
Osborne helps us to 'get on'? Yup he certainly does ~ on the dole, debt, the rubbish heap and the endless housing lists. The Chancellor has made it 'cheaper' to drown our sorrow though by promising to scrap a 6p rise on a pint of shant. Yippee! I guess.
So does the Ranter have any ideas to solve this pickle? Well I can only suggest what almost everyone else is suggesting (besides the Government of course) and that is ~ Reduce foreign aid. Stop benefits to immigrants until they've lived here for 3 years and paid into the system for at least 2. Reduce benefits to the unemployed so that it truly does pay to graft. Oh and encourage business owners to invest in Great Britain, not scarper like startled fawns. I would also suggest we return to more Victorian type prisons, without hotel like-services as we seem to be spunking millions of quids in making lives more comfortable for those who DO NOT deserve it!
Blimey this coalition government has to be the WORST government history! A triple dip recession, our AAA rating gone, zero growth, the poorest hurt most, and more f*cking U turns than a B&Q shelf of sink stuff. Oh and our press tossed to the dogs for good measure! What a bally bellsended SHAMBLES to be in, I despair I really do. Its only the shant keeping me sane im telling ya!
And as a side note: As easy as it is for Labour to keep bitchingabout the Tories, don't forget that it was THEM that got us into this shambles. THEY who opened the flood gates to 'Europeans' taking valuable NHS resources etc etc.