Its the big fight this weekend, boxing heavyweight championship of the world and the funny thing is its between two Brits, Haye v Harrison. Im betting Haye drops Audrey (yes AUDREY) in the 3rd. Sad thing is its meant to be a WORLD TITLE yet the BBC didn't even put a bid in to show it live. Makes me wonder: where does my f**king licence money go??
Ah yes the licence. 'Whats that?' I hear my American readers ask incredulously. Allow me to share; we here in jolly old Britain (but not exclusive to us) must pay annually for the right to watch television by having a television licence, or broadcast receiver licence as its also known. The charge? A snip at £145.50p. (The vasectomy kind of snip without anaesthesia.)
This sad state of affairs began in the early days of broadcasting when broadcasters were at a loss on how to fund their services. A few countries went the advertising route (good idea) but others adopted compulsory subscription crap, with the subscription coming in the iron fist form of the broadcast licence paid by mugs, sorry households owning either a radio or TV.
Britain was the first country to adopt the compulsory public subscription crap with the licence fee money (think mob protection) going to the BBC. Now im a fair man, I understand the begining of broadcasting needed money to fire up its engines but BLUDDY HELL ! Are we STILL willing to allow ourselves to be squeezed like lemons for every silver crown so that the Beeb can continue to pay its entertainers over the odds for (ever increasing) stale rubbish? We really are clowns to stand for it.
Why cant we follow countries like Australia and Portugal (amongst others) and ABOLISH the damned thing? And what about places like America, Canada and Hong Kong who never had a television licence?
The BBC has had control of this licence scam (and it IS) for too long now. I get the feeling it thinks its entitled to the fee purely because it was at the forefront of broadcasting. Well NO 'auntie' you are not, so get your dirty hands OUT of the publics pockets. You dont even make decent television anymore. I don't watch BBC.
I will say it again louder, I DO NOT WATCH THE BBC! So why the fudge am I being forced to pay for it? Its a horrible word FORCED but its what is happening. FORCED and robbed.
Other people whine about the high price of Sky TV but thats optional. Nobody HAS to get a Sky package whereas everyone must pay for regular television thanks to the Beeb. Why do we put up with it? Why? What everyone ought to do is scrap television until the damned thing is FREE. It wouldn't take long.
And who knows? While we're not zoned in to the tube, we might create some fantastic new masterpiece. Look at what Shakespeare and the Romantic poets did without television. But I digress.
I (along with the rest of the nation) am fed up with the licence fee and its high time we stopped allowing ourselves to be mugged. And getting threatened if we complain about the mugging. (TV detector vans are nothing more than official thugs reinforcing an iron rule.) We should switch OFF, at least until we are given the CHOICE to pay for a BBC package. Whats Auntie so worried about? Afraid nobody would choose their crappy channel and what it offers. Or not offers.
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