Having a quick glance at the website reveals that the EU is committed to regional intergration. Well isn't that fine and dandy? The problem is its NOT! Don't get me wrong, I love the different cultures and cuisines that countries in Europe have to offer, but I don't wish to become a part of it. Im not interested in the USE (United States of Europe) because it strips us of character and individuality which in the end will spell disaster. There will be no different cultures, laws, etc and the whole of Europe will turn into one big, bland club (no doubt smelling of garlic and cheese.)
And don't forget, the EU refuses to respect the views of a nation. Remember when Ireland said No to the Nice Treaty in 2001? That was not the decision the European Union wanted to hear so the Irish were forced to hold a second referendum on the Lisbon European Union Treaty in order to arrive at the 'right' decision. Right for who? Not the Irish, their answer was NO.
So the Irish were forced to rethink, as every country under this vile umbrella must do. It must be their way or no way. For example the death penalty? Nope sorry, entry into the EU is refused because executions are too barbaric. We should execute a Frenchman and get ourselves kicked out. Britain recently supplied the necessary drugs for Arizona to perform a lethal injection. I was hoping that would have got us blackballed but sadly no.
I don't want to be ruled by a European Union (and im not alone) because not only do I disagree with a lot of the thinking and ideas but I also distrust it completely. Like I said, I love Europe and what the different countries have to offer but I do NOT want 'regional intergration'. Being as 'one' with each other means being like robots, all doing the same thing like automatons. Hardly fertile ground for creativity. A terrible state to be in.
And thats exactly what EU will be; a terrible state.
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