A cat
Here is a description of Catwoman from Batman's list of enemies ~ 'Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is an accomplished jewel-thief with a taste for luxury. She is extremely agile and acrobatic.'
Well whoop di doo! She sounds quite the round of Jagerbombs. Not! Like any normal boy, Ive been a Batman fan since forever and Catwoman has always bored me. She was only ever cool when Lee Meriwether played her (among others) in the 1960s Batman television series and that was because she looked so scotch~droppingly HOT and gave my boyhood dreams something worth going to sleep for. Man, that suit! Sizzle sizzle.
Of course that is exactly whats behind the reasoning in bringing her back in this movie. To have the teenage boys dribbling down the cinema ailses. If they had wanted an interesting female villian they could have gone with Harley Quinn, ('tho admittedly we've already had The Joker.)
Well thats f**king it then. The Ranter had hoped that this lastest trilogy of Batman films by Christopher Nolan would be flawless, each one a fitting tribute to the Dark Knight. However the kitty will prove to be the banana skin. That last drink that gives you the hangover.
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