Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Golden Globes ~ Gervais Off

The 68th Golden Globes went down on sunday at the Beverly Hilton hotel. And allow me first to say that I am well chuffed that the delightful Katey Sagal won Best Actress in a Television Series for her role as the 'Ma Of Steel' (my description) in the fandabidozee Sons of Anarchy. Outstanding. Very tidy we say here in West Wales.
Talking of Wales, I was also raising my Penderyn whisky that Christian Bale (who is Welsh, hails from Haverfordwest you know) won Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture. Da iawn that man !
Now heres where it gets Ranty! Why the f**k did they hire that vile Ricky Gervais as host? Why? Why? Double gin and olives WHY? The man is garbage and about as funny as terminal cancer. This is the bloke who's appearance in Grand Theft Auto 4 almost put me off playing it (mercifully he only has a small part and you could skip it.)
I don't care that he upset a lot of A listers at the event, most of them are c***s anyway but how anyone could think that having Gervais' fat, smug chops up on stage babbling his imbecelic 'comedy' was a good idea is beyond my pint of Shiraz. He is a mini plague in human form.
I have seen one episode of 'The Office' and it was dog sh!t. I have not exposed myself to his other rubbish because it is no doubt dire and what is seen cannot be unseen. Im not suprised this foul man has been successful in Britain when you look at the other crap we have (Simon Cowell the Ranter is looking at YOU) but please America, don't embrace this buffoon and humour him. Its like making fun of the disabled.

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