Cheers Dan, you barrel chested man of appetites! Bet you're a fair bloody shanter too! The Dandy might be dead but ive a feeling we've not seen the last of you boyo!
For the most part im a gentle, contented soul, happy to let life go on its merry way. But sometimes things happen that would test the patience of a saint (or a poet) and for these little troubles I give you Ranter the Shanter ~ Born to shant, Loves to rant! You think im cute when I get mad? Well in a minute im about to be f**king gorgeous.
Friday, 17 August 2012
The Dandy
So after 75 years, British comic The Dandy is coming to an end, taking with it another bit of my childhood ** NURSE! DROP OF COGNAC IN THE GLASS BIN IF YOU PLEASE ** I've not read it for years and was more of a Beano fan, but I Googled a few of the more recent issues and couldn't believe how different they are. Cartoons featuring f**king toilet bowl 'celebrities' and b@stard company mascots like those f**king meerkat abominations. I HATE those creatures with their stupid chattering!! Its sad whenever such an old 'tradition' dies but from the look of it then its dire need of taking out back and shot. Put the comic out of it's misery. Better this than having a shadow of its former self on the newsagent shelf like a worn out whore who nobody picks anymore.
Cheers Dan, you barrel chested man of appetites! Bet you're a fair bloody shanter too! The Dandy might be dead but ive a feeling we've not seen the last of you boyo!
Cheers Dan, you barrel chested man of appetites! Bet you're a fair bloody shanter too! The Dandy might be dead but ive a feeling we've not seen the last of you boyo!
Carmarthen, UK