For the most part im a gentle, contented soul, happy to let life go on its merry way. But sometimes things happen that would test the patience of a saint (or a poet) and for these little troubles I give you Ranter the Shanter ~ Born to shant, Loves to rant! You think im cute when I get mad? Well in a minute im about to be f**king gorgeous.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Oscars the Potter
"I gave up on the Oscars when the Harry Potter franchise won nothing."
HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa *coughs* HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa !!!!!
Was that meant to be a joke? This foolish comment hath shaken and stirred the Ranter from his fried chicken and cider strewn pit! Harry F**king Potter ??! Oh my days, you so funny. A speccy magic kid in a robe? F**k Off! Thou caluminous reeling-ripe haggard! Thou cullionly earth-vexing moldwarp! (And cheers to Shakespeare for those.) The boy wizard is Crap Supreme! A Supreme turd in life's punch bowl, and deserving of a damn good kicking should he ever decide to show his sh!tness in my Peanut Bar! Oscars my azz, that franchise isn't worth a w@nk of cabbages!
And okay I admit ive never read the books or seen the films but I don't need eat a sperm lasagne to know that it would taste rank. Good Lord, I need another drink of summat strong. Nurse!
Lets read it again: "I gave up on the Oscars when the Harry Potter franchise won nothing."